Marilyn Henrion

About Marilyn Henrion

A graduate of Cooper Union and a lifelong New Yorker, Marilyn Henrion is represented in the Smithsonian Institution's Archives of American Art in Washington, DC. Her award winning artworks have been exhibited in museums and galleries worldwide. They are included in major museum, corporate and private collections, including the Museum of Arts & Design in New York, the Newark Museum, Newark, NJ, the National Quilt Museum, Paducah, KY, the International Quilt Museum, Lincoln, NE, and the U.S. State Department Embassy in Pnom Penh, Cambodia. They have also been featured in numerous publications including "Women Designers in the U.S.- 1900-2000, published by Yale University Press. Among the grants Henrion has received was one awarded by the Artslink Partnership, devoted to fostering excellence in the arts between the U.S. and countries of the former Soviet Union. In 2005, she was awarded a fellowship by the New York Foundation for the Arts.

Henrion's aesthetic vision has always been deeply rooted in the urban geometry of her surroundings, from the earlier textile-based geometric abstractions to the more recent mixed media works. Her gaze is wide and other subjects, such as music, poetry and the natural world, also inform the content of her work.

““I am large, I contain multitudes””

— Walt Whitman